Hi Friends,
Just checking in to see how you are doing in your 'rest' in the Lord. I am sensing the Lord urging me to deeper TRUST as I wait on Him. The Psalms encourage us over and over to seek His face always; seek His strength; and to trust Him at every moment. I want the blueprint! He wants faith without sight. Here is a simple acronym for TRUST that is helping me stay focused these days:
T: TODAY. Just focus on today. His goodness and mercy follows us all day long...today!
R: REPENT and REST. Repent of needing to know and rest in Him alone.
U: UNPLUG. Unplug from the world's system. Stop conforming to its patterns.
S: SEEK. Seek His kingdom first...before everyone and everything else in everyway
T: TRUST. period...in Him with all my heart and stop leaning on me (or anyone else!) Begin again!
As summer winds down and fall schedules kick in, you will be tempted to overcommit. Be still, wait, ask, and TRUST. I am praying for you sister!