Monday, February 28, 2011

Are you moody?

Last Sunday morning we woke up to a sweet surprise of a snow covered ranch. It was magical in a way. We went to bed and everything looked normal, we woke up to a blanket of newness. I know for those who live where it snows this picture grows old, but for we desert dwellers it is a beautiful gift. Our grandson, Milo, was with us and the delight on his face as Papu pulled open the curtain was priceless.

I love this photo because it is such a great depiction of life. Old, muddy ruts, mixed with fresh covered ground, blue skies mixed with dark clouds, young trees trying to grow, and old trees trying to stay erect...a mixed bag for sure! And my how our moods can change just by focusing on the different views. But, when we look at the whole picture, we see the beauty of an amazing Creator who is constantly doing something new among the old, revealing hope amidst the clouds and revealing the path where it is safe to walk along with the uncharted ground that is yet to be trampled on.

Isaiah 43 reminds us that God is constantly on the move. He is doing brand new things in our familiar lives. Do we see Him? Are we paying attention? He longs to be gracious to us and rises to show us compassion. My prayer daily has become that I would embrace these amazing gifts, no matter what the picture looks like, and trust that He is leading me in His grace and compassion (Isaiah 30), His hand of blessing rests upon me (Psalm 139) and He follows me with His love and mercy (Psalm 23). Focusing here replaces whatever foul mood my nature sinks to (and believe me, it goes there quickly) and fills my heart with hope and joy. Help me to dwell here Spirit! Are you moody? Lift your eyes!