Friday, November 19, 2010

Favorite Things!

Favorite Things

We had a sleepover with our grandsons the other night. At breakfast I asked Milo, “Do you know what my very favorite thing in all the world is?” And he said “what gg?” “Having a sleepover with you!” He smiled big and said, “me too.” Delightful.

Do you ever wonder what if feels like for God to delight in you as you delight in Him? I’m getting a taste and it is sweet.

I can’t imagine my grandsons running through the door and me saying, “okay, line up…here is the list of to-dos while you are here. Get to work!” Yes, we have disciplines we keep (eating, sleeping, cleaning up etc.), but those are not the basic disciplines of our relationship. Mainly we practice the discipline of celebration, rest, communion (talking to one another) and a few corrections of behavior along the way (my least favorite part).

I wonder how God enjoys my relationship with Him. He tells me He welcomes me as his special guest and anoints my head with oil. He prepares a feast for me and pursues me with goodness and unfailing love (Psalm 23). Wow. I hope I’m a grandma like Him. And, I hope I learn to delight in Him just like I see our grandsons delighting in time with us. My cup overflows!


  1. Grace, so good to find you again in blog world. I was going to delete the Walking Together, and found you had started something new, an answer to my prayers. Your boys are darling and I agree, grandkids are pure substitute for the joy they bring..

  2. Thanks may be just you and me...but we will enjoy the ride! Happy Thanksgiving...much love to you.
