Saturday, October 9, 2010

I am Resting in the Son

I just learned a sweet chorus that goes like this...
I am resting in the Son
Resting in the work He's done
From His seed new life is born
By His power transformed.
Come Lord Jesus take me home,
I am yours and yours alone,
in your Presence, hold me safe,
now and forever I pray.

How is it with your soul? Are you resting in the Son, or are you striving? We are called to serve, but not strive. I've been learning to listen carefully to my thoughts, words and observe patterns that show strife, not peace. I am inviting the Lord to heal those broken places in me that cause me to strive and give me the power to surrender those places to Him and learn to rest in His Shepherding, His unfailing love, and His abundant goodness. I challenge you to pay close attention for the next 24 hours. Where does your mind get trapped? Will you let Jesus in there to unbind you and bring you to His rest? It takes intentionality on your part to go to the garden of your soul and wait on Him (see 30 Day Challenge), but the fruit of that resting soil is amazing! It is such freedom. He does the work! Are you resting in that truth? I'd love to hear how your journey is going as we walk together.

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